Start your demo right now.

You can try the ExecutionPlatformright right now, in your browser.
Our demo devices use a RP2040 (ARM Cortex-M0+) microcontroller.
Experience modern hardware software integration tests for microcontroller.

Your personal instance is an online version of Visual Studio Code connected to a demo ExecutionPlatform.
Our examples invite you to familiarize yourself with open loop tests in the browser.

    Our aim is to revolutionize the way embedded software is written.
    We use an email newsletter to get our product to the right hands.
    You accept to receive these emails. Unsubscribe at any time with a single click.

    What to expect?

    Within a few minutes, you will receive an email that contains a link to your personal instance.
    It looks like the picture below. You can make code changes, run tests, debug and observe pin behavior.
    We prepared an article and video that explains how you can use the online demo.